Wrap Around Care
At Blean, our Extended School team offers a Breakfast Club from 7:30am and an After School Club until 6pm. Extended School aims to create a ‘home from home’ environment where children can play, relax and interact with all different ages. Activities include art and craft, playground games, role play and relaxing with friends in the quiet area. Our staff are a range of ages, adding to the family feeling in the club; many of them working in other roles in the school enabling good links between club and school. We would love to welcome you into the club!
All food is prepared on the premises and we offer a variety of dishes catering for any needs. A light snack is served every afternoon at the Club and all dietary requirements are addressed. Breakfast may include:
- Cereal
- Toast
- Fruit
- Yogurt
- Juice
- Occasional days with pancakes, muffins or other treats!
Access to Breakfast Club is via the school office. Please press the buzzer in the office for controlled entry. With regards to the After School Club, children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are escorted to the Extended School at the end of the day by a member of staff. Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 go directly to the After School Club at 3.25pm. Collection from the After School Club is via the side gate with controlled entry. Parents/Carers who collect their child after 6pm will incur a late collection charge of £10.00 for up to 5 minutes, each minute thereafter will be charged at £2 per minute.
Blean Extended School operate ‘Magic Booking’, a digital registration system. If you have any questions regarding Extended School, please can we ask that you email extendedschool@blean.kent.sch.uk and they will get back to you. ‘Magic Booking’ log in details will be forwarded to you when your requirements have been discussed. All terms and conditions are available to view, via Magic Booking when your child/ren account has been set up.
The cost of Breakfast Club is £6.00 per child and the cost of After School Club is £11.00 per child.
Last minute emergency requests for children to access Breakfast Club and After school club will be granted subject to availability and pre-payment. Please be aware that an additional £10 fee is charged in order to facilitate each request.
Payment of fees are required one term in advance and persistent late or non-payment of fees will result in your child losing their allocated place within Extended School. Please note that a weekly £50 late payment fee per child will be applied to all late payments. BACS and Childcare Vouchers are the only accepted methods of payment. All payments are non refundable.
If at any time you wish to withdraw your child from the club one term’s written notice is required or you will incur one term’s charges.
For further information please do hesitate to email extendedschool@blean.kent.sch.uk. Extended School office hours are 7.30am-9:00am and 2.00pm-6.00pm Monday to Friday.