In Year Admissions

If your child is currently attending a local primary school and you wish to transfer them to Blean Primary School, or have recently moved into the area and are looking to admit your child to a school, you will need to submit an In Year Admission form.

We are very popular and oversubscribed school. It is likely that your child will be placed on a waiting list for the appropriate year group. The waiting lists are ranked by distance of the child’s home address to the school. If we are unable to offer your child a place at our school it is usually because the school is full and there were other children who more closely met the school’s over subscription criteria. However, you have the right to appeal this decision. For more information on how to appeal please visit the KCC website, or contact the appeal team on 0300 0414222 / for advice.

If you have any questions regarding admissions or wish to send us an In Year Application Form or your child, please email