School Improvement

The School Improvement Plan is the single plan for improving our school and tracking the progress of our pupils. It is informed by the school’s most recent self-evaluation in which the views of parents, pupils and staff are sought.

Key Improvement Priorities:

  1. Ensure that pupils across the school make greater progress in Reading.
  2. Ensure challenge for Higher Attaining Pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds, especially in Maths.
  3. Ensure that the needs of vulnerable pupils with identified barriers to learning are met to enable greater progress.
  4. Develop communication strategies within the shool to greater engage stakeholders in children’s educaiton and the school improvement process.
  5. Ensure all children have access to a whole-school curriculum which promotes high expectations, purposeful outcome and enjoyment.
  6. Continue to promote writing across the school with an emphasis on writing for purpose in order to ensure good progress.

The School Plan is updated and shared at every Full Governing Body Meeting.