Inclusion and Equality

At Blean Primary School we are proud of our inclusive ethos and equality of opportunity for all.  We strive to achieve the best outcomes for all of our children as individuals and as members of our school community.

We believe in everyone in our school community ‘learning together to enjoy and achieve’.  We recognise the importance of school staff, parents and pupils working together to ensure inclusive practice is central to our mission statement.

Miss Nicki Llewellyn, the Inclusion Lead, is part of the leadership team. She is also a qualified teacher.

Whilst all of our teachers are responsible for and accountable for the progress of and development of the pupils in their class, the Inclusion Lead’s role is to lead and support the identification of and provision for children with Additional Educational Needs (AEN). This includes children identified with a Special Educational Need (SEN), English as an Additional Language (EAL), Medical needs or where children have been identified as Gifted and Talented.  The Inclusion Lead works in partnership with parents and external agencies where appropriate.

The Inclusion Lead is supported by a Higher level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) for Inclusion, Mr Reddin-Tasker. Mr Reddin-Tasker assists in the assessment of additional educational needs and in delivering intervention programmes. We also have a dedicated and skilled team of teaching assistants who are deployed throughout the school. They support the teaching and learning in the classrooms and also lead intervention programmes, usually in the afternoon sessions.  Our team of teaching assistants access regular professional development opportunities via our in-school training programme and, where appropriate, by attending externally provided training. In line with The SEN Code of Practice Sept 2014, we use a ‘Graduated Approach’ – a four part cycle (assess – plan- do- review) to secure good outcomes for pupils with SEN.

The Inclusion Lead also works alongside our Attendance and Pastoral Manager, Mrs Justine Gibbens. Mrs Gibbens works alongside parents/carers and families to provide support and guidance to increase engagement with the school and improve learning outcomes for pupils. This includes supporting attendance and punctuality, liaising with parents to set up Heath Care Plans where pupils have a medical condition and referring pupils and families to ‘Early Help’ intervention where appropriate. The Attendance and Pastoral Manager also liaises with class teachers and the Inclusion Manager to support the social, emotional and mental health needs of pupils. Please read our SEN and Disability Policy /SEN Information Report for detailed information about our support for Special Educational Needs /Disability. The ‘Kent Local Offer’ is a response from the government to enable parents/carers to find out about services, opportunities and access for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

Mainstream Core Standards

We follow the Mainstream Core Standards advice developed by Kent County Council to ensure that our teaching conforms to best practice. In meeting the Mainstream Core Standards, the school employs some additional teaching approaches, as advised by internal and external assessments e.g. one to one and group support, peer support, precision teaching, alternative methods of recording, use of ICT software.  These are delivered by additional staff employed through the funding provided to the school as ‘notional SEN funding’. There is an emphasis on developing independent learners. Please see the copies of school and parent guidance below.

Whole School Provision Map

The whole school provision map which details the interventions available to children in each Year group.